
  1. Sekban Hayriye Tuğba, Başçi Abdullah,"Designing New Model-Based Adaptive Sliding Mode Controllers for Trajectory Tracking Control of an Unmanned Ground Vehicle",IEEE Access,Q2,vol.11, 2023
  2. Başçi Abdullah, Sekban Hayriye Tuğba,"Performing Trajectory Tracking Control of an Unmanned Ground Vehicle Using Fractional Order Terminal Sliding Mode Controller",International Journal of Sustainable Aviation,vol.9,no:1,pp:73 - 88, 2022
  3. Can Kaan, Sekban Hayriye Tuğba, Orman Kamil, Başçi Abdullah,"Design, Simulation and Comparison of Controllers for Temperature Profile Tracking Control of a Heat Flow System",Erzincan Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi,vol.13,no:2,pp:828 - 838, 2020
  4. Başçi Abdullah,Can Kaan,Sekban Hayriye Tuğba,"Model-Based Dynamic Fractional-Order Sliding Mode Controller Design for Performance Analysis and Control of a Coupled Tank Liquid-Level System",Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering,vol.20,no:3,pp:93 - 100, 2020
  5. Sekban Hayriye Tuğba, Can Kaan, Başçi Abdullah,"Real-Time Application of Sliding Mode Controller for Coupled Tankliquid Level System",Real-Time Application of Sliding Mode Controller for Coupled TankLiquid Level System, 2016