
  1. Şimşek Ramazan,Altunbaş Murat,Gezer Aydın (04.07.2018 - 07.07.2018), "Properties of Berger Type Deformed Sasaki Metric", presented at the 16th INTERNATIONAL GEOMETRY SYMPOSIUM, 2018
  2. Sönmez Nilgün,Şimşek Ramazan (12.05.2016 - 14.05.2016), "Ptolemaean Inequality in Complex Hyperbolic Space H 2 C", presented at the International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICMME-2016), Fırat University, Elazığ, 12-14 May 2016, 2016
  3. Sönmez Nilgün,Şimşek Ramazan (23.06.2014 - 26.06.2014), "On the Mappings Preserving Two Hyperbolic Distances", presented at the XII GEOMETRİ SEMPOZYUMU, 2014
  4. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,Şimşek Ramazan (05.10.2016 - 07.10.2016), "Mathematıcal Model of Corrosıon Damage Andsolutıon Methods", presented at the XIV ULUSLARARASI KOROZYON SEMPOZYUMU, 2016
  5. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Şimşek Ramazan,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (05.10.2016 - 07.10.2016), "Changıng of the Polarızatıon Curvesaccordıng to Corrosıon Potentıal", presented at the XIV ULUSLARARASI KOROZYON SEMPOZYUMU, 2016
  6. Şimşek Ramazan (25.05.2016 - 28.05.2016), "Relations Among Lines of Complex Hyperbolic Space", presented at the 14th International Geometry Symposium, 14IGS 2016, 2016