
  1. Akgül Nazife Selcen Pınar (11.10.2016 - 13.10.2016), "Direniş Ekseni Söylemi ve İran-Suriye İlişkileri", presented at the III. Ortadoğu’da Siyaset ve Toplum Kongresi, 2016
  2. Akgül Nazife Selcen Pınar (14.10.2014 - 17.10.2014), "İran’ın Bölgesel Aktörlerle İlişkisi ve Şii Kimliği", presented at the II. Ortadoğu’da Siyaset ve Toplum Kongresi, 2014
  3. Akgül Nazife Selcen Pınar (13.09.2017 - 17.09.2017), "“western Morality in Libyan Case”", presented at the 11th Pan-European Conference On International Relations, 2017
  4. Akgül Nazife Selcen Pınar (03.09.2015 - 05.09.2015), "“reconsidering the Division of Sudan Through Carl Schmitt Nomos,”", presented at the Critical Legal Conference 2015, 2015
  5. Akgül Nazife Selcen Pınar (01.09.2022 - 04.09.2022), "The Strategic Autonomy of the European Union and İts Security Dilemma: the Iranian Nuclear Deal ​", presented at the 15th Pan- European Conference on International Relations, 2022
  6. Akgül Nazife Selcen Pınar (21.08.2023 - 25.08.2023), "State Identity Maker in Post-Revolutionary Iran: Role of Martyrdom Narratives and the Rituals", presented at the Tenth European Conference of Iranian Studies, 2023
  7. Akgül Nazife Selcen Pınar (20.04.2017 - 22.04.2017), "Ethnic and Religious Conflict in Iran: the Case of Jundullah", presented at the International Semphosium on Continuity Change in North Africa, Turkey Iran, 2017
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