Message from Our Graduates
Hümeyra İSPİRLİ, Department of Food Engineering, 2013 Graduate
I graduated from Bayburt University, Department of Food Engineering in 2013 and completed my master's degree in the same department. In this process, I have always had very valuable teachers who have guided me, with their support and guidance, I founded a startup company, PROEK BIOTEKNOLOJİ GIDALARI SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ in 2018, by supporting my business idea with commercialization potential. It has always been among my important goals to carry out scientific studies in my field and to deliver the outputs of these studies to consumers through technological products. Currently, he is a lecturer at Bayburt University Central Research Laboratory. I would like to thank my university for giving me these opportunities.
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