
  1. Ekincioğlu Yavuz, Şentürk Şükrü, Doğan Ümit,"Nonlinear Optical Response of Linclk (N = 1–6) Superalkali Clusters",Walter de Gruyter GmbH,Q3,vol.0, 2023
  2. Ekincioğlu Yavuz, Dereli Ömer, Kılıç Hamdi Şükür,"A Dft Study on Molecular Structure and Possible Conformers of Tartaric Acid",Journal of Selcuk-Technic, 2016
  3. Ekincioğlu Yavuz,"Theoretical Analysis of Adp Molecule in Gas Phase and Aqueous Solution: a Dft and Pcm/Td-Dft Study",Turkish Computational and Theoretical Chemistry,vol.6, 2022
  4. Ekincioğlu Yavuz, Dereli Ömer, Kılıç Hamdi Şükür,"A Dft/Td-Dft Study on the Molecular Structure Absorption and Fluorescence Spectra of Gas/Solution Phases Adenosine 5’–triphosphate Molecule",Gazi University Journal of Science,vol.35, 2022
  5. Şentürk Şükrü, Ekincioğlu Yavuz,"A Theoretical Study of Lithium-Doped Gallium Clusters by Density Functional Theory",Walter de Gruyter GmbH,vol.67, 2012
  6. Ekincioğlu Yavuz, Dereli Ömer, Kılıç Hamdi Şükür,"Dft Study of Conformational Analysis, Molecular Structure and Properties of Para-, Meta- and Ortho 4-Methoxyphenyl Piperazine Isomers",Springer Science and Business Media LLC,vol.51, 2021